Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Survey reveals need for tech skills in college, workforce

Students say that high schools are not imparting adequate technology educationSOURCE: eSchool News Read the Full Article

More teens asking: College? Who needs it?

Anti-college backlash is a result of soaring tuition rates, political forces, and a desire for more accountability in higher educationSOURCE: eSchool NewsRead the Full Story

Scottsdale schools’ eLearning provides lessons for all involved

Nearly 300 students solved geometry problems and memorized vocabulary words last month sitting by their backyard pools, while touring Italy or during breaks from training for sports.SOURCE: Read the Full Article

Blackboard reassures education customers after acquisition

Educational software maker Blackboard Inc. is being taken private for $1.64 billion in cash by an investor group led by affiliates of Providence Equity Partners, and a Blackboard official said the much-discussed purchase would not affect the company’s education customers, as the company would continue its focus on mobile learning and analytics.SOURCE: eSchool NewsRead the […]

Blackboard Gets Bought

he e-learning giant, known for gobbling up smaller companies, is gobbled up by a private equity firm. What does it mean for customers? SOURCE: Inside Higher Ed Read the Full Article

The Future of Blackboard

As a Gartner research director and previously a faculty member and administrator at three different universities, Marti Harris has been monitoring the higher education software and services segment for a long time. SOURCE: Campus TechnologyRead the Full Article

Education Secretary Duncan responds to eSchool News readers

Nation’s top education official gives in-depth responses about testing, school libraries, charter schools, adult education, and for-profit collegesSOURCE: eSchool News Read the Full Article

Demand for online learning increases

In just three years, the number of high school students who have access to online learning has tripled, while twice as many middle school students are now learning online, according to a new report.SOURCE: eSchool NewsRead the Full Article

FCC proposes new e-Rate eligibility rules

A proposed new rule for the federal e-Rate program could discourage schools from buying service contracts when they purchase network equipment, at least one program expert warns.SOURCE: eSchool News Read the Full Article

mLearnCon News and Updates

It’s been fifteen months since the first iPad shipped. Nearly every sizable company that makes anything that looks even sort of like a computer or a phone has rushed into the market that Apple created. Many of these companies haven’t yet shipped the tablets they’ve announced. Still, a critical mass of major iPad alternatives are […]