Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Computer science education: The ‘why’ and ‘how’

Calls for more integrated computer science education have increased in recent years as studies show that computer science degrees lead to high-paying jobs that help boost the economy. eSchool News Full Article

Designing and Evaluating Tutoring Feedback Strategies for digital learning environments on the basis of the Interactive Tutoring Feedback Model

This paper describes the interactive tutoring feedback model (ITF-model; Narciss, 2006; 2008). The ITF-model conceptualizes formative tutoring feedback as a multidimensional instructional activity that aims at contributing to the regulation of a learning process in such a way that learners acquire or improve the competencies (i.e., conceptual and procedural knowledge as well as cognitive and […]

Learning to take the tablet: How pre-service teachers use iPads to facilitate their learning

Mobile handheld devices are spreading rapidly in education. iPads, especially, are increasingly being adopted by different educational sectors, but there is currently little empirical evidence on whether, or how, they facilitate student learning. This paper reports on how iPads contributed to pre-service teachers’ learning, including their learning about teaching. Case studies of eight pre-service teachers […]

Still in Favor of the Flip

Go ahead and postpone the conversation about the backlash against the flipped classroom model. Supporters and skeptics alike — and even the researchers behind a seemingly critical new report — say the discussion continues to be positive. Inside Higher Ed Full Article

Undergraduate Students’ Preference for Distance Education by Field of Study

This research investigates the relationship between students’ field of study and their preference for distance education. For this research, data were used from the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study: Undergraduate, which uses a complex survey design to collect data from a nationally representative sample of undergraduate postsecondary students in the US. Results show that a […]

Download Report: Talent on the Sidelines: Excellence Gaps and America’s Persistent Talent Underclass

The report is organized into five brief sections. In the first, we review related studies that have been published since the 2010 report was disseminated. Second, we examine data on the relationship between minimum competency achievement gaps – the primary focus of national and state education policy – and excellence gaps. The third section addresses the […]

Don’t Call It a Course

As ed tech companies and universities search for the most effective way to teach students online, some have found the term “course” no longer captures what it means to pursue an education. Enter the “learning experience” — a term being used to describe a module of higher education not anchored to a specific place or […]

Approaching K-12 Online Education in Pennsylvania

The purpose of this study is to determine how K-12 schools are addressing the need to accommodate online learners in Pennsylvania. It is built upon a review of literature focusing on educational legislation, the personalization of online learning and online learning solutions. The study posed 21 questions utilizing a mixed methods approach to district decision-makers […]

Librarians, Distributors Weigh in on Macmillan Ebook Lending

Ebook distribution to libraries took another leap forward on October 17 when Baker & Taylor, OverDrive, 3M, and RBDigital (Recorded Books) told their customers that Macmillan’s entire ebook backlist, 11,000 titles from lead imprints St. Martin’s, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Henry Holt, Macmillan Children’s, and Tor, would now be available to their patrons. Library Journal Full […]

D-E.c Sponsored Conference: Effective Marketing for Online Education- San Diego, CA, Dec. 9-11

The importance of marketing for online education cannot be overstated. Many online education providers prosper for having a well orchestrated marketing program in place. Many also fail not because of lack of academic quality, student support, or excellent instructors; they simply lack a well designed and executed marketing program. The conference on Effective Marketing for […]