Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Learning Analytics: Readiness and Rewards

This paper introduces the relatively new field of learning analytics, first by considering the relevant meanings of both “learning” and “analytics,” and then by looking at two main levels at which learning analytics can be or has been implemented in educational organizations. Although turnkey systems or modules are not yet available for review, specific technologies […]

McGraw-Hill Education Appoints David Levin as Chief Executive Officer

Levin brings deep technology and global experience to accelerate digital learning company’s growth McGraw-Hill Education Press Release

How West Michigan teachers use technology to keep students from falling behind on snow days

WEST MICHIGAN — A school closure one day before a two-week holiday break did not stop Grandville High School advanced placement U.S. History students from taking a scheduled exam. MLive Media Full Article

Shifting Views: Exploring the Potential for Technology Integration in Early Childhood Education Programs

Using technology with children in play-based early learning programs creates questions for some within the Early Childhood Education (ECE) community. This paper presents how two faculty who teach in ECE-related degree programs integrated educational technology into their teaching pedagogy as a way to model to their students how it can be used to support children’s […]

The reality of assessing ‘authentic’ electronic portfolios: Can electronic portfolios serve as a form of standardized assessment to measure literacy and self-regulated learning at the elementary level?

This study explores electronic portfolios and their potential to assess student literacy and self-regulated learning in elementary-aged children. Assessment tools were developed and include a holistic rubric that assigns a mark from 1 to 5 to self-regulated learning (SRL) and a mark to literacy, and an analytical rubric measuring multiple sub-scales of SRL and literacy. […]

Which Instructional Design Models are Educators Using to Design Virtual World Instruction?

The purpose of this study was to identify which instructional design (ID) models are currently used in designing virtual world instruction and why. The goal was to identify specific ID elements being used to develop virtual world instruction that enable effective utilization of the technology to support desired learning experiences for students. A review of […]

What if You Blended Adaptive Learning With MOOCs?

MOOCs and adaptive-learning software are often billed as two of the most potentially game-changing technologies in higher education. The White House, for one, is excited to see what might happen if and when those two technologies meet. Wired Campus Full Article

Introduction to Distance Education: Virtual K-12 Schools

Farhad (Fred) Saba, Ph. D. Founder, Since the turn of the century, there has been a dramatic growth in distance education for K-12 students. In 2000 only 14 states planned and operated state-sanctioned virtual k-12 schools. This was by directly establishing such schools, or by legislative action and provision of funds for local public […]

Enabling the Future of Learning, By Arne Duncan, US Secretary of Education

  I can’t predict the future, but as I wrote back in July, I can say that learning in the future ought to be more personalized. Teachers should have up-to-the minute information that will help them tailor instruction for each student. They should be able to connect and collaborate with other teachers to tackle common challenges […]

Introduction to Distance Education: Approaching the 21st Century

Dr. Farhad (Fred) Saba, Ph. D. Founder, As the 21st Century approached several events dramatically changed the environment of business and education in the US, as well as elsewhere in the world.  In June of 1997, Allen Greenspan, then the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board testified in the Congress, that the US economy has […]