Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Contemporary Literacies and Technologies in English Language Arts Teacher Education: Shift Happens!

Three leaders of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Conference on English Education (CEE) reflect on the changes that have occurred in English language arts teacher education in the past 15 years since the first edition of Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE Journal) was published. The authors take a historical look at […]

Prime Online: Developing Grades 3-5 Teachers’ Content Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics in an Online Professional Development Program

This study sought to identify components of an asynchronous online teacher professional development program, Prime Online, that potentially affected participants’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT). Twenty-three third- through fifth-grade general education and special education teachers completed a yearlong online teacher professional development program focused on improving MKT, instructional practices for all learners (particularly those with disabilities), and […]

Personalization, adaptivity, attunement

The complexity of the current educational context, that is, the fragmentation of knowledge and the diversity which characterizes the students in our schools requires new competences. One of the answer is certainly to think about personalized path. The personalization of paths is a hard task for the teacher and, thus, the efficacy and also the […]

Better how-to videos: System recruits learners to annotate videos, increasing their educational value

Educational researchers have long held that presenting students with clear outlines of the material covered in lectures improves their retention. MIT News

Examining Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Emerging Practices in Online Environments

Teacher professional development and course work using asynchronous online environments seems promising, yet little is known about how mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) develop practices for such spaces. Research has shown that views of learning impact design of online learning spaces, enabling and constraining particular student action. More remains to be examined about the steps being […]

The Internet of Everything Goes to School

Responding to student and faculty interest, more schools are introducing or boosting STEM programs that involve Internet of Everything skills and research. Cisco

Cyber-bullying in the Online Classroom: Instructor Perceptions of Aggressive Student Behavior

The advent of online learning has created the medium for cyber-bullying in the virtual classroom and also by e-mail. Bullying is usually expected in the workplace and between students in the classroom. Most recently, however, faculty members have become surprising targets of online bullying. For many, there are no established policies nor is training provided on how […]

Using Introductory Videos to Enhance ePortfolios and to Make Them Useful in the Hiring Process

This article explores whether or not there is a more effective way to develop and present portfolios to make them more meaningful and usable in the hiring process. An example of a pilot ePortfolio, with an accompanying three to four-minute introductory reflective video highlighting the pre-service teachers’ beliefs about education, was shown to 15 practicing […]

Testing the Waters: An Analysis of the Student and Parent Experience in a Secondary School’s First Blended Course Offering

In this study, the perceptions of parents (n = 14) and students (n = 47) enrolled in a blended learning course, the first of its kind at their school, were examined. Student performance in the blended and in the traditional portion of the course was examined, and the Educational Success Prediction Instrument (ESPRI) was administered […]

An Educator’s Guide to COPPA: Connecting Students to the Internet

On October 29, 2014 the Alliance for Excellent Education hosted a webinar in its Project 24 leadership series. Project 24 is a systemic planning framework around the effective use of technology and digital learning to achieve the goal of college and career readiness for all students. This webinar focused on the Children’s Online Privacy Protection […]