Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Using NetLogo as a tool to encourage scientific thinking across disciplines

In this article we discuss the possible uses of NetLogo as an educational tool for High School and early-years undergraduate students. The paper is geared towards teachers from all disciplines that require students to problem solve, be quantitative and logical but want a project orientated platform to build or reinforce knowledge. The goal is to […]

Student Tech Use at Home Is Tricky Balancing Act

Expanding educational and social priorities often seen at odds Education Week 

Impact of an open online course on the connectivist behaviours of Alaska teachers

In this article we will describe a continuum of development towards knowledge generation and networked learning which emerges as practising teachers participate in a connectivist experience offered through an open online class (OOC) learning design. We believe that this design offers an opportunity to provide authentic professional development and collaboration particularly for those teachers in […]

Bilingual Facebook Users’ Cognitive Writing Processes

This study seeks to explore the cognitive processes involved as bilinguals wrote English and Spanish Facebook status updates. Three phases of data collection were employed: individual interviews, examination of participants’ Facebook status updates and a group interview. The findings suggested that regardless of the language in which participants wrote, they made a series of decisions […]

Portfolio, text, data, page

Why ePortfolios? Student Perceptions of ePortfolio Use in Continuing Education Learning Environments

Over the past decade, there has been an increased exploration of ePortfolios in higher education across disciplines at both the undergraduate and graduate level. ePortfolios have been significantly under-explored, however, in the context of non-traditional continuing education environments within higher education. This paper explores students’ perceptions of ePortfolios in a non-credit continuing education environment in […]

Helping Members of the Community Manage Their Digital Lives: Developing a Personal Digital Archiving Workshop

It is estimated that over 90 percent of all new information is born digital. We create new digital materials practically on a daily basis. What can we as libraries do to help our users manage their personal digital materials? This article explores resources and methods that could be used in the development of a personal […]

Bridging the Communication Divide: CMC and Deaf Individuals’ Literacy Skills

Deaf individuals frequently capitalize upon communication technologies that increase equitable access to communication in an ongoing, effortless manner. Those communication technologies create conditions that increase direct access to language and literacy. It is the lack of direct access to language that has been historically problematic for deaf individuals, contributing to English literacy achievement gaps that […]

Tablet-Based Math Assessment: What Can We Learn from Math Apps?

In this report, we describe a survey of mathematics education apps in the Apple App Store, conducted as part of a research project to develop a tablet-based assessment prototype for elementary mathematics. This survey was performed with the goal of understanding the design principles and techniques used in mathematics apps designed for tablets. We focused […]

A change in the climate: Online social capital and the spiral of silence

This study explores the connection between online social capital and the Spiral of Silence. Online social capital is an individual’s network of social connections, a network that enables and encourages social cooperation. The Spiral of Silence theory suggests that an opinion can become dominant if those who perceive their opinion to be in the minority […]

“I Am Offline”: Measuring Barriers To Open Online Learning In The Philippines

Open online learning provides new opportunities for students and teachers. However, research shows that completion rates in open online courses are typically low. This paper presents an empirical analysis of the degree of the barriers to open online learning. The respondents are teachers at the tertiary level in the Philippines who experienced a full distance […]