Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Download US Department of Education’s Report: CONDITION OF EDUCATION 2017

Condition of Education 2017 A Letter From the Commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics May 2017 On behalf of the National Center for Education Statistics, I am pleased to present e Condition of Education 2017, a congressionally mandated annual report summarizing the latest data on education in the United States. is report is […]

Funds for Learning CEO discusses E-rate developments ahead

Schools and libraries must vocalize the importance of E-rate funding to the FCC and their representatives, says John Harrington. Ed Scoop

Bridging the digital divide for people with intellectual disability

Recent data from several studies and surveys confirm that our society has entered the digital and information age. Some authors mention that information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to enhance people’s power to act and promote equal citizen participation. These elements are particularly important for people living with intellectual disability (ID). However, it […]

Assistive Educational Technology: How eLearning Helps Students With Disabilities

Students with disabilities have received a chance to achieve the same educational success as healthy youth can with the help of contemporary assistive educational technology. eLearning Industry

ASU Prep Digital: Designing Beginnings with the End in Mind

Arizona State University is pleased to introduce ASU Prep Digital, a new college prep option where online high school and university courses converge in a unique learning opportunity for all students. Built on the Cambridge International Curriculum framework, this rigorous virtual school program prepares students for acceptance at leading universities and encourages them to explore […]

Improving the K-12 Online Course Design Review Process: Experts Weigh in on iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Courses

Within the K-12 online learning environment there are a variety of standards that designers can utilize when creating online courses. To date, the only research-based standards available are proprietary in manner. As such, many jurisdictions have begun adopting online course design standards from the leading advocacy organization, which that have yet to be validated from […]

Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microsoft Battle for K-12 Market, and Loyalties of Educators

If there’s a common thread that unites the rival technology giants Apple, Google, and Microsoft in the education market, it’s this: They’re big. The three major tech companies—along with Amazon, a relatively new player on the scene—go head-to-head in vying for big chunks of school business, most notably in sales of devices and operating systems, […]

Sequoia Choice – Arizona Distance Learning is elevating education

Receiving a highly-personalized higher education would be academic nirvana for most students. But for a lucky few Arizona kids, college learning in high school is a reality, not a pipe dream. The Arizona Republic

Identity and agency in school and afterschool settings: Investigating digital media’s supporting role

This study documents opportunities for identity and agency experienced by students in urban school and afterschool contexts, with a focus on digital media’s role in shaping these opportunities. We conducted focus groups and interviews with 43 students and six teachers affiliated with an urban public high school and a network of afterschool programs in the […]

Building Reflective Practice Through an Online Diversity Simulation in an Undergraduate Teacher Education Program

This paper discusses preservice teachers’ perceptions of an online, in-house diversity simulation in an undergraduate teacher education program conducted over a 3-year period. The diversity simulation was a nontraditional capstone experience for 193 preservice teachers in majors ranging from early childhood to secondary education. The diversity simulation included scenarios at the kindergarten, middle school, and […]