Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Let’s Rethink Online Learning

Research shows that most online learning schools today aren’t improvingoutcomes for their students. Are there online learning environments that can actually help studentsflourish? If so, how might these environments differ from what we’recurrently doing? McREL International 

OER Awareness and Use: The Affinity Between Higher Education and K-12

Educators within Higher Education (HE) and K-12 share in the need for high quality educational resources to assist in the pursuit of teaching and learning. Although there are numerous differences between the two levels of education, there are commonalties in the perceptions of the purpose, practical uses, and challenges that abide in the use of […]

Alaska ramps up efforts to close broadband gap in K-12 schools

The state remains a laggard nationally when it comes to school connectivity, but a partnership with EducationSuperHighway aims to fix that. edscoop

Michigan Has Required Online Classes for K-12 Students for Over a Decade. Is it Working?

In 2006, the state of Michigan passed a controversial piece of education legislation known as the Michigan Merit Curriculum. The revamp required students to complete upper level STEM subjects and, among other things, take at least one online class. Known as the online learning requirement, it was intended to onboard students for a future of […]

Network Neutrality: The End of the Beginning (Again)

With federal policy debates currently dominated by tax-and-spending issues along with immigration, one might easily lose sight of the relatively recent, dramatic shift in Federal Communications Commission (FCC) policy on network neutrality. In part, this is because the 2017 FCC order changing the rules on network neutrality has yet to take full effect. On February […]

How congressional politics drive the net neutrality debate

The ongoing national debate over the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rules started a new chapter this week. Senate Democrats, led by Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.), filed a petition that will force a vote on overturning the Commission’s 2017 decision to undo rules from the Obama administration. In doing so, Markey and his colleagues will […]

Digital technology’s role in enabling skills development for a connected world

This Perspective explores the ways in which the growth of digital technology is impacting education and skills. The authors state that technology is not only more prevalent in people’s lives, but its growing use will affect schools’ curriculum, new digital skills in jobs, and the changing use of services. However, they point out that education […]

On the Road Again: “my ongoing digital divide tour”

Earlier this month, I completed the latest leg of my ongoing digital divide tour, logging over 500 miles in a rental car across Kentucky, Tennessee, and Arkansas. Yet again, I heard stories about how broadband connectivity can bring new opportunities and services just about anywhere. In Scottsville, Kentucky, a town of 4,000 that’s nearly 30 […]

Cisco’s connected campuses empowers students and teachers

See how Cisco DNA Service for Bonjour and Meraki networks helps bring schools into the future. One example of this is the St. Vrain Valley School District in Colorado, where students each have an iPad mini to use at school and at home. Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) is another school district working to implement a districtwide […]

World Development Report 2018 : Learning to Realize Education’s Promise

Every year, the World Bank’s World Development Report takes on a topic of central importance to global development. The 2018 Report, Learning to Realize Education’s Promise, is the first ever devoted entirely to education. Now is an excellent time for it: education has long been critical for human welfare, but is even more so in […]