Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Five Top Technology Trends in Special Education

A greater push is underway to better serve students with disabilities using new tools. But experts caution technology can diminish mental processing, which is the foundation for learning over time. Center for Digital Education 

Complexity: A Leader’s Framework for Understanding and Managing Change in Higher Education

Complex adaptive systems offer higher education leaders a framework for understanding dramatic systemic change as well as approaches to engaging, managing, and driving change. EDUCAUSE Review

Many Online Education Marketplaces Have Sputtered. Will Quizlet’s Pass the Test?

Content may be king. But distribution determines the fate of kingdoms. For decades, print textbook publishers have owned K-12 distribution channels, usually through fleets of sales representatives that hone relationships with schools and districts. EdSurge

Virtual reality could serve as powerful environmental education tool, according to Stanford researchers

Utter the words “ocean acidification” in mixed company, and you’ll probably get blank stares. Although climate change has grown steadily in the public consciousness, one of its most insidious impacts – a widespread die-off of marine ecosystems driven by carbon dioxide emissions – remains relatively unknown. Stanford University

Download Report: Quality Principles for Competency-Based Education

This publication builds off of the early ideas introduced in the paper In Search of Efficacy: Defining the Elements of Quality in a Competency-Based Education System, developed for the 2017 National Summit on Competency-Based Education. After a series of revisions building on input from experts and practitioners in the field, we have authored this book […]

Increasing Undergraduate Success: A Randomized Controlled Trial of U-Pace Instruction

U-Pace instruction, comprised of concept mastery and amplified assistance, has shown promise in increasing undergraduate success. To evaluate the efficacy of U-Pace instruction for students at-risk for college non-completion and students not at-risk and to determine whether concept mastery, amplified assistance, or both U-Pace components are responsible for the greater learning associated with U-Pace instruction, an […]

Information literacy skills on the go: Mobile Learning Innovation

Students’ understanding and integration of information literacy (IL) skills are fundamental to higher education and lifelong learning.  Development and implementation of thirteen mobile lessons application ( ) in the Mobile Information Literacy Tool (MIL) was the result of a unique collaboration between faculty and the library. Lessons demonstrated how to locate, evaluate, and use information […]

Will a new push for free wireless internet help rural students get online?

PANGUITCH, Utah — Both before and after classes at Panguitch High School, a low-slung brick building nestled in the high desert of southern Utah, students find their way to Shawn Caine’s classroom. They settle in at the computers where Caine teaches coding and software, such as Illustrator and Photoshop, or they head to the back […]

Game design for visually-impaired individuals: Creativity and innovation theories and sensory substitution devices influence on virtual and physical navigation skills

This action research study examined the design elements of three VR games that used an HTC VIVE VR helmet, two HTC game controllers, and a VR horse simulator for functionality and transferability to orientation and mobility (O&M) education for visually impaired individuals. The functionality of the VR games was tested with a visually-impaired individual based […]

RAND Education Assessment Finder

The RAND Education Assessment Finder is a web-based tool that provides information about assessments of K-12 students’ interpersonal, intrapersonal, and higher-order cognitive competencies. Practitioners, researchers, and policymakers can use it to explore what assessments are available, what they are designed to measure, how they are administered, what demands they place on students and teachers, and […]