Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Student Questions: A Path to Engagement and Social Presence in the Online Classroom

Within the vast search for ways to enhance the online classroom learning environment and to engage students fully, researchers often turn to discussions concerning instructor-student interactions that take place daily in the online classroom. Although students interact with other students and with the content, it is the student-instructor interaction and connection that appears to support […]

A Lesson Structure and an Instructional Design Model for Project-Based Online Learning

Research-based best practices that employ learning theories such as Project-Based Learning (PBL) have not been thoroughly developed for the constraints of the K-12 online setting, nor have they been tested in this unique context. K-12 online teacher-developers face many constraints during the process of instructional design and require additional supports to translate these learning theories […]

Learning Media Repository and Delivery System for Smart Classroom using IoT and Mobile Technologies

This paper presents a learning media repository and delivery system (LMRD) for a smart classroom using IoT and mobile technologies. It was designed to support active learning pedagogy. Teachers are able to broadcast learning media or course materials directly to the student mobile devices, after that the students can interact to the media by drawing, […]

Portfolio, text, data, page

Putting data privacy in the hands of users

A new platform developed by MIT and Harvard University researchers ensures that web services adhere to users’ preferences on how their data are stored and shared in the cloud. In Riverbed, a user’s web browser or smartphone app does not communicate with the cloud directly. Instead, a Riverbed proxy runs on a user’s device to […]

Down the deep rabbit hole: Untangling deep learning from machine learning and artificial intelligence

Interest in deep learning, machine learning, and artificial intelligence from industry and the general public has reached a fever pitch recently. However, these terms are frequently misused, confused, and conflated. This paper serves as a non-technical guide for those interested in a high-level understanding of these increasingly influential notions by exploring briefly the historical context […]

Accessibility in mind? A nationwide study of K-12 Web sites in the United States

Web site accessibility is a serious civil rights concern that has historically been difficult to measure and to establish success criteria for. By conducting automated accessibility analyses via the WAVE tool, we calculated accessibility norms of a statistically appropriate, random sample of K–12 school Web sites across the U.S. (n = 6,226) and merged results […]

Can AI Pass the Grade When It Comes to Teaching and Learning?

Nearly one-quarter of U.S. households are estimated to have a smart speaker, such as the Google Home or Amazon’s Echo. The rapid adoption of such devices, which use artificial intelligence (AI) to interact with users, is similar to how Americans quickly embraced smartphones. As we become increasingly comfortable interacting with “smart” gadgets, the assimilation of […]

D2L’s Chief Strategy Officer Appointed To Canadian Federal Government’s Future Skills Council

D2L, the global learning technology leader, today announced that its Chief Strategy Officer, Jeremy Auger, has been appointed to the Canadian federal government’s Future Skills Council by Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, the Honourable Patricia A. Hajdu. The Council will provide advice on skills development and training priorities for the future of work […]

In Real Life: How do CBE systems manage differences in pace?

This article is the sixth in a nine-part “In Real Life” series based on the complex, fundamental questions that practitioners in competency-based systems grapple with “in real life.” Links to the other posts can be found at the end of this article. Competency-based education (CBE) systems meet students where they are and support them to […]

What’s New: Consumer Education Show Announcements for Schools

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas this year showcased some new products for schools and parents. Here are some highlights: Tech & Learning