Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Instructure Unveils New Teacher Professional Development Service, Canvas Practice

Facing a combination of teacher shortages and high attrition rates across the country, many leaders are turning to teacher professional development as a means to correct the current course. On March 19th, Instructure announced the launch of a new professional development service, Canvas Practice. Inside Elearning  

Online Learning and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

The Accessible Classroom is a video series exploring web accessibility for K-12 education. We’ll dive into concepts and tools that can help schools ensure access to digital learning spaces for all students. In this first video, Jeff takes takes a look at the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) from […]

Download Report: Projection of Education Statistics to 2027

This edition of Projections of Education Statistics provides projections for key education statistics, including enrollment, graduates, teachers, and expenditures in elementary and secondary public and private schools, as well as enrollment and degrees conferred at degree-granting postsecondary institutions. Included are national data on enrollment and graduates for at least the past 15 years and projections […]

How Online Education Is Increasing Gender Diversity in STEM

At Coursera, we strive to unlock life-transforming learning and credentials for anyone, anywhere. Seventy-five percent of high-school-aged girls say they are interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), yet only 28 percent of the graduates of U.S. STEM degree programs are female. On Coursera, 30 percent of our U.S. course completers in STEM are […]

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Amira Learning Forge Exclusive Partnership, Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Empower Educators

First intelligent reading assistant enables more accurate oral fluency assessment, provides voice-activated teacher support AUSTIN, TEXAS, SXSW EDU – March 4, 2019 – Learning company Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) and Amira Learning—creator of the first intelligent reading assistant that listens to, assesses and tutors learners—today announced an exclusive partnership serving U.S. schools designed to empower […]

A Systematic Review of Virtual Reality in Education

Virtual reality has existed in the realm of education for over half a century. However, its widespread adoption is still yet to occur. This is a result of a myriad of limitations to both the technologies themselves, and the costs and logistics required to deploy them. In order to gain a better understanding of what […]

Can a Hands-On Physics Project Lab be Delivered Effectively as a Distance Lab?

In this article, we examine whether an inquiry-based, hands-on physics lab can be delivered effectively as a distance lab. In science and engineering, hands-on distance labs are rare and open-ended project labs in physics have not been reported in the literature. Our introductory physics lab at a large Canadian research university features hands-on experiments that […]

Designing K-12 Student-centered Blended Learning Environments

Student-centered learning environments (SCLE) enable students to direct their own learning as they engage in authentic problem-solving. SCLEs may be designed using blended learning infrastructure present in many schools today. Using a qualitative single case study design, the researcher examined an alleged student-centered learning environment, with a focus on the environment’s core design values; and […]

Teacher shortages force districts to use online education programs

ROSEDALE, Miss. — On most afternoons, Jeremiah Smith, founder of an afterschool and summer program called the Rosedale Freedom Project, can be found sitting side-by-side with his students as they peer at laptops, trying to get through their assignments. Posters with uplifting quotes by Henry David Thoreau, Maya Angelou and Mahatma Gandhi decorate the room, […]

Download Report: The Educational Equity Imperative: Leveraging Technology to Empower Learning for All

The Speak Up National Research Project annually polls K-12 students, parents and educators about the role of technology for learning in and out of school. For the past fifteen years, Project Tomorrow’s® annual Speak Up Research Project for Digital Learning has provided schools and districts nationwide and around the globe with illuminating insights into the […]