Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

New Stanford research examines how augmented reality affects people’s behavior

Stanford scholar Jeremy Bailenson and other researchers found that people’s interactions with a virtual person in augmented reality, or AR, influenced how they behaved and acted in the physical world. Stanford University

The conceptualisation of cognitive tools in learning and teachnology: A review

The term cognitive tool has been used in many areas of academic specialisation, where it has taken on multiple connotations. In this historical and systematic review, we investigate the conceptualisation of cognitive tools in the learning sciences and educational technology. First, the theory of cognitive tools vis-à-vis learning and development is traced from Vygotsky and […]

The Offline Nature of Online Community

Despite the importance of interpersonal contact to students’ sense of community, little is known about how online students form relationships outside of class. Drawing on interviews with 20 students from one online doctoral program, I explore the ways in which distance learners create community outside of class. In the case study I explore how students […]

Diversity in Video Lectures

Media diversity within video lectures has been shown to have an effect on students who participate in both flipped classes as well as online courses. While some research claims that content delivered through multiple sources leads to more learning, contrasting research makes the claim that too much media hinders cognitive processing. The present study investigated […]

Revisiting cognitive tools from a social and motivational perspective

The concept of computers as cognitive tools has been revisited to provide insight into the motivational and social dimension in light of the emerging technologies. Central to this concept are the two opposing philosophical views: learning from technology (amplification view of technology) versus learning with technology (constructivist view of technology). A literature review is provided […]

Learning with computers: Generating insights into the development of cognitive tools using cultural historical activity theory

Using computers as cognitive tools or mindtools has created impact in education since their introduction in the 1990s. One main characteristic is the notion of learning with computers as intellectual partners: engaging learners in higher level thinking while taking away the lower level cognitive load such as computing and digital storage. In recent years, the […]

Download Report: Making education accessible throughout the learning environment

Worldwide, an estimated one billion people experience some sort of physical, visual, hearing or cognitive disability. Blackboard considers making education accessible to these individuals both a moral and legal imperative. For an in-depth discussion on this topic, please see our recent white paper, Why Accessibility: the accessibility imperative for education. eCampus News & Blackboard

First Wave of Carnegie Mellon Learning Tools Now Available

Carnegie Mellon University has moved forward in its efforts to release education tools into the world. Last week, the institution officially introduced OpenSimon, a community and collection of tools dedicated to “[catalyzing] a revolution in learning and teaching” for higher education and K-12. According to the university, the software that will eventually be made available […]

Stanford’s ‘QuizBot’ – a chatbot that teaches – beats flashcards for learning factual information

Researchers at Stanford have shown that a relatively new technology – a chatbot they dubbed “QuizBot” – can be significantly more effective than flashcards in helping students learn and retain information. Stanford University

Access and Accessibility in Online Learning: Issues in Higher Education and K-12 Contexts. From “OLC Outlook: An Environmental Scan of the Digital Learning Landscape”

Accessibility in K-12 and higher education is becoming an increasingly complex terrain to traverse as schools increase online materials and instructional delivery options. This white paper provides an overview of critical terms, legal precedents, and other considerations for course designers, instructors, and administrators as they work to improve the educational experiences of learners with disabilities. […]