Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Lawrence contemplates charter schools

The school board plans to begin discussions about creating an online school for students in third through eighth grades during a retreat today at the University of Kansas.Read the Full Story

11-5, State: UNT [University of North Texas] pulls request for online school

The proposed program, which would have allowed students to receive public education at home with a computer-based curriculum, was set to be considered by the State Board of Education at this week’s meetings.Read the Full Story

School district closer to online studies

The district’s online charter high school application was deemed “complete” by a district committee last month, meaning it’s now up to Bend-La Pine school board members to approve or deny the plan.Read the Full Story

School district launches Rapid City Academy Online

The Rapid City School District’s academy is launching a virtual high school: Rapid City Academy Online.Read the Full Story

Education network takes class to students

The school districts will get “state-of-the-art” equipment for the first time that will open the door to new courses for students, training for teachers, and conference sessions for parents and teachers. Read the Full Story

State-funded home-schooling becomes reality – Carroll County students enroll in ‘virtual education’

All instructional materials, including textbooks, workbooks, planning and progress tools, maps, science supplies, CDs and videos are also free. In addition, a computer system will be provided.Read the Full Story

Classroom of the Future Foundation: Synergies

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Virtual schools task force to meet in Point

That meeting comes two weeks before Wisconsin’s first statewide conference highlighting virtual education and how online learning can help local school districts meet the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind legislation. That conference will be Nov. 18 at Chula Vista Resort and Conference Center in Wisconsin Dells.Read the Full Story

St. James High School students earn credits for college — long distance

By the time they graduate in May, the six will have earned eight hours of college credit in chemistry without ever having to set foot on a college campus.Read the Full Story

Grant will link schools to distance learning network

Teachers and administrators will be able to have conferences with their peers and academics anywhere in the world.Read the Full Story