Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Download Report: SREB Report on State Virtual Schools

All SREB state virtual schools provide online courses for high school students, and a growing number of states also provide courses for middle grades students. No SREB state virtual school provides courses for students below the middle grades level.SREB Report on State Virtual Schools

Colorado Springs District Creates Digital School in Local Mall for ‘Disenfranchised’ Students

This is because the urban/suburban Colorado Springs School District 11 has created the Digital School as an innovative way to help students recover credits and graduate.Read the Full Story

Virtual School Will Leap Barriers

It doesn’t matter that he lives in Newnan, 450 miles away from his nearest classmate. Or that his teacher lives in Massachusetts.Read the Full Story

Online school program set to close

The program, now in its fifth year, offers flexible, individual online education, allowing students to study and work from home or other areas. Both full-time enrollment as well as supplemental course offerings have been available.Read the Full Story

Tomorrow’s schools today? Bold, pricey ‘eLearning’ proposal has many talking

It would link parents, students, teachers and state education officials through one seamless, wireless, real-time computer system and bring the latest in software and digital technology to reshape lesson plans and teacher training.Read the Full Story

IQ Academies brings online learning into Wisconsin homes

IQ Academies, the largest accredited online high school in the state, is in its second year and educates hundreds of students across Wisconsin. Students get a Macintosh iBook computer, a color printer, $20 per month to pay for Internet access and an online alternative to traditional, face-to-face learning.Read the Full Story

Connecticut proposes school laptop plan

In the budget Republican Gov. M. Jodi Rell presented to the General Assembly last week, $15.5 million is set aside to purchase laptop computers for high school English classes.Read the Full Story

Online education: Alternative school succeeds where other students struggle

Test scores don’t tell the whole story, according to both online school administrators and those in Moffat County.Read the Full Story

Children, TV, computers and more media: New research shows pluses, minuses

A consortium of researchers has reported that very young children’s interactions with TV and computers are a mixed bag of opportunities and cautions, while teenagers’ Internet use has changed so much that the myths of several years ago need to be debunked.Read the Full Story

Tiny District Finds Bonanza of Pupils and Funds Online

There are just 65 students attending Branson’s lone brick and mortar school, but there are an additional 1,000 enrolled in its online affiliate. And with the state paying school districts $5,600 per pupil, Branson Online has been a bonanza. Founded in 2001, it has received $15 million so far.Read the Full Story