Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Using digitized primary source materials in the classroom: A Colorado case study

This paper highlights the use of primary source materials in Colorado classrooms and provides a brief overview of what educators’ needs are in order to use digitized primary source materials more efficiently and effectively with students.Read the Full Story

Download the New Report: Rates of Computer and Internet Use by Children in Nursery School and Students in Kindergarten Through Twelfth Grade: 2003

This Issue Brief describes the percentage of students in grades 12 or below who used computers or the Internet in 2003. The Brief highlights the fact that computer and Internet use is commonplace and begins early. Even before kindergarten, a majority of children in nursery school use computers and, and 23 percent use the Internet.Download […]

More preschoolers going online

The numbers underscore a trend in which the largest group of new users of the internet are kids ages 2 to 5. These figures have important implications for school systems, which must adjust their methods of instruction to accommodate an increasingly tech-savvy generation of new students, experts say.Read the Full Story

The Agricultural Economics Challenge: An online program where high school students learn economics and agriculture of the Salinas Valley

This article traces the development of the program, offers an overview of the Agricultural Economics Challenge game as well as the challenges the Museum faces in implementing the program.Read the Full Story

MIKE WENDLAND: Virtual schools on the Internet: Could this cure education’s woes?

Although its official name is still Michigan Virtual University, you’ll be hearing about it mostly as Michigan Virtual High School, serving K-12 students and educators.Read the Full Story

Diversity fuels student enrollment boom

The number of students in public elementary and high schools swelled to 49.5 million in 2003, breaking the 48.7 million mark set by school-age baby boomers in 1970. Students identified as minorities made up 42 percent of public school enrollment in 2003, up from 22 percent in 1972, while the share of students who were […]

Study: These factors retard digital teaching

The study, “Effective Access: Teachers’ Use of Digital Resources in STEM Teaching,” examines how high school teachers use digital libraries and other electronic resources to support “science, technology, engineering, and mathematics” (STEM) exploration and instruction.Read the Full Story

Professional Development Tips

How do you do this as a professional developer? Many times we do not have the luxury of time to get to know our teachers. Yet there may be a way we can do this as part of the professional development. Read the Full Story

College Board plans changes to AP courses

A team of researchers at the University of Oregon in Eugene is leading a re-examination of AP courses in U.S. history, biology, chemistry, physics, European history, world history and environmental science.Read the Full Story

Internet classes get good reviews from students

Potter, 15, is among a couple dozen West Michigan teenagers enrolled in Michigan Virtual High School, where classes consist of independent study, e-mail messages back and forth to instructors, and online chat rooms with other students.Read the Full Story