Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Impact of Paper-and-Pencil, Online Testing Is Compared

How students perform on computer-delivered tests depends, in part, on how familiar they are with the technology, concludes a set of studies conducted by the Princeton, N.J.-based Educational Testing Service.Read the Full Story

Homework Online: Former Maine governor champions free Internet for low-income students

By the time Angus S. King Jr. left the governor’s office in 2003, he made sure the state was giving every 7th and 8th grader in Maine’s public schools a laptop to use in school.Read the Full Story

Online programs open new window on classroom

Lisa Weartz keeps a close eye on her children’s school work and is about to take her parental monitoring to a new level.Read the Full Story

A Second Look at the Nature of Technology in the Classroom

Research gathered from visiting schools nationwide reveals that while investing in computer-based instruction and assessment programs can improve student learning, an engaged teacher is still far more invaluable in driving student success.Read the Full Story

Visions 2020. 2: Student Views on Transforming Education Through Advanced Technologies Released

New report developed by US Departments of Education and Commerce and NetDay profiles American student views on the future use of technologies to enhance educationRead the Full Story

Virtual Classrooms Abound on Internet

Just as online college and graduate programs have broadened the range of options in higher education, virtual charter schools and online classes are gaining popularity among the K-12 set.Read the Full Story

Controversy accompanies arrival of virtual schools in Wisconsin

In the movement to put a computer in the hands of every student, the title of the television version of virtual schools could be “Extreme One-to-One Computing: Home Edition.”Read the Full Story

Virtual school among proposals for city reform

Chicago school officials have received 57 proposals for new schools to open in fall 2006, including pitches for the city’s first virtual school, five single-sex schools and a University of Chicago-operated high school.Read the Full Story

On-Line Education Helps Students, Teachers and Small Towns

As rural towns struggle to adjust to economic changes and face global competition in manufacturing and agriculture, some communities are looking to technology as the answer. The increased availability of fiber optic networks and high-speed Internet access has particularly impacted rural schools. Students in small towns can now access advanced courses and materials throughout the […]

All-digital school passes first test

Nearly a month into a revolutionary experiment in 21st-century education, students and teachers at Arizona’s Empire High School say they don’t seem to miss toting textbooks around.Read the Full Story