Archive for the ‘K-12’ Category

Windows HS: Microsoft designs a school system

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (AP) — Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates has famously called high schools “obsolete” and warned about their effect on U.S. competitiveness. Now, his company has a chance to prove that it can help fix the woes of public education.Read the Full Story

Windows HS: Microsoft designs a school system

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (AP) — Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates has famously called high schools “obsolete” and warned about their effect on U.S. competitiveness. Now, his company has a chance to prove that it can help fix the woes of public education.Read the Full Story

The Quiet Revolution in BC Schooling

Officials are downplaying huge changes online learning will bring.Read the Full Story

The Quiet Revolution in BC Schooling

Officials are downplaying huge changes online learning will bring.Read the Full Story

Students go virtual to catch up on studies

Grants help schools launch online program to help at-risk learners Read the Full Story

Students go virtual to catch up on studies

Grants help schools launch online program to help at-risk learners Read the Full Story

District’s virtual school hits obstacles reports that a planned virtual school for the Campbell County, Wyoming school district has met obstacles recently, which has drawn the criticism of Superintendent of Public Instruction Jim McBride. Read the Full Story

District’s virtual school hits obstacles reports that a planned virtual school for the Campbell County, Wyoming school district has met obstacles recently, which has drawn the criticism of Superintendent of Public Instruction Jim McBride. Read the Full Story

Online schools combine public, home education

Bernard and Sylvie Pys-nak want the best education for their children, but they want it to happen at their Bountiful home.

Online schools combine public, home education

Bernard and Sylvie Pys-nak want the best education for their children, but they want it to happen at their Bountiful home.