Archive for the ‘Instructional Design’ Category

Purposeful Interpersonal Interaction: What is it and How is it Measured?

Despite extensive studies surrounding the topic of interaction in online learning, faculty are often still relegated to an attempt at replicating their face-to-face course interactions in the online environment. Interpersonal interaction is a necessary yet nebulous concept in online learning. This paper attempts to build a quality lens to view interpersonal interaction in online learning […]

The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning

Well-planned online learning experiences are meaningfully different from courses offered online in response to a crisis or disaster. Colleges and universities working to maintain instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic should understand those differences when evaluating this emergency remote teaching. EDUCAUSE Review

Shifting Teaching and Learning in Online Learning Spaces: An Investigation of a Faculty Online Teaching and Learning Initiative

We examined the adoption of online teaching strategies by faculty members at a large midwestern research university who participated in a year-long learning community. The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) to investigate changes in teaching approaches resulting from a year-long e-learning professional development initiative; and 2) to understand the perceptions of factors that […]

From Discussion Forums to eMeetings: Integrating High Touch Strategies to Increase Student Engagement, Academic Performance, and Retention in Large Online Courses

Student engagement and group work are critical to developing competencies, deeper learning, and attributes that align with 21st-century skills. Group work is particularly important for future employment in an increasingly competitive and dynamic workforce. A new capstone group work assignment using Online Human Touch (OHT) strategies was integrated into an Information Systems course at a regional […]

Research-based learning in education studies: Design inquiry using group e-Portfolios based on blogs

Research-based learning (RBL) is an approach that aims to engage students in research activities within their study discipline. Since this method puts the focus on the learner, Web 2.0 tools are considered to provide good support in enhancing collaboration processes, which are necessary in conducting research in real-life situations. The link between RBL and the […]

Laptops and mobile phones at self-study time: Examining the mechanism behind interruption and multitasking

This study examines university students’ multitasking with computers and mobile phones in an authentic self-study context, with the primary focus being on off-task multitasking and interruption as precursor to multitasking. The study drew on interviews, observation, and video-stimulated recall to reveal the triggers for and processes of multitasking. It has identified pop-up notifications as the […]

Moving to Digital Learning Fast: More Questions Answered

With the coronavirus pandemic closing college and university campuses everywhere, faculty are tasked with a quick move to online instruction. Here, education experts offer advice on how to make the transition. Campus Technology

The seven principles of online learning: Feedback from faculty and alumni on its importance for teaching and learning

Effective online teaching and learning requires a carefully designed classroom that promotes student engagement with faculty, peers and course content. This research included an investigation of the importance of faculty–student communication and collaboration; student–student communication and collaboration; active learning techniques; prompt feedback; appropriate time for tasks; high performance expectations; and respect for diverse learning styles […]

Shifting Teaching and Learning in Online Learning Spaces: An Investigation of a Faculty Online Teaching and Learning Initiative

We examined the adoption of online teaching strategies by faculty members at a large midwestern research university who participated in a year-long learning community. The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) to investigate changes in teaching approaches resulting from a year-long e-learning professional development initiative; and 2) to understand the perceptions of factors that […]

Instructional Technology in Graduate Psychology Distance Education: Trends and Student Preferences

Although distance education continues to expand in postsecondary institutions, little research regarding distance education methodology in applied graduate psychology programs is currently available. This exploratory study examined technology, resources, and instructional components in graduate school psychology distance courses. The results indicated that Blackboard and Skype were the most frequently utilized technology components in both online […]