Archive for the ‘Instructional Design’ Category

Download Report: Evidence on the Validity, Reliability, and Usability of the Measuring and Improving Student-Centered Learning (MISCL) Toolkit

Student-centered learning (SCL) describes various approaches that keep students’ goals, interests, and needs central to the teaching and learning process. Despite the recent proliferation of SCL approaches, researchers and practitioners are still learning about which SCL strategies are most effective for supporting student achievement and how to measure them. This report summarizes a study on […]

Using Virtual Teams to Map Digital New Generation Learning Environments into Tertiary Online Learning Spaces

The sudden emergence and rapid spread of COVID-19 is a reminder of our frailty, where the magnitude of the impact facing the world as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has become increasingly apparent. One way that we have effectively responded to this emergency educationally, has to become innovative in our relationship with technology. The […]

Editing for equity: Understanding instructor motivations for integrating cross-disciplinary Wikipedia assignments

Advances in both research and advocacy have demonstrated how Wikipedia-based education, as a movement, has grown exponentially in the last 10 years. As a result, academics know a lot more about specific learning outcomes that Wikipedia assignments might enable and are more familiar with issues of social equity (e.g., systemic biases related to gender) in […]

The effect of adding same-language subtitles to recorded lectures for non-native, English speakers in e-learning environments

Globally, online (or e-learning) environments are growing in popularity in schools and universities. However, the language of instruction in these environments is mostly English. This is a problem as most of the students enrolling into online learning environments in South Africa are non-native English speakers. For these students, English is their second or sometimes third […]

Missing the Process for the Product: Tension Between Instructor Goals and Student Perceptions of ePortfolios as Personalized Action Research

The creation of ePortfolios as a capstone project for school counselors-in-training has many benefits for the students, instructors, and program. However, there can be tension due to misalignments in goals and lived experiences of the ePortfolio even when the students find ePortfolios useful. This paper explores this tension between instructor goals and student perceptions of […]

5 Tips for Moving from Remote Instruction to Quality Online Learning

During the rush to remote instruction this spring, faculty and staff at higher education institutions have done their best to help maintain academic continuity. While many in the higher education community have stressed that the emergency shift to finish the spring semester via remote instruction is not online learning, a “new normal” is beginning to […]

Free Top Hat Basic Allows for Live Streaming and Recording of Class

Top Hat is launching a version of its program that will assist faculty in embedding active learning into their remote classes. The recently announced Top Hat Basic will be available free to students and professors in time for the fall 2020 semester, the company said. Campus Technology

Designing digital workspaces for creativity and collaboration in online project-based courses

In response to Covid-19, we developed an environment to bring project-based work online in two very different courses: a middle school robotics course and a university product design studio. In the process, we’ve discovered new strategies to support collaboration, foster creativity, and make student thinking visible. This post includes learnings gleaned from both of these […]

Co-creation of knowledge using mobile technologies and digital media as pedagogical devices in undergraduate STEM education

Digital media assignments are a widely used method of assessing student learning in higher education. Despite their common use, the literature on digital media assignments has many gaps regarding theoretical frameworks to guide their design, implementation and evaluation. This research paper focuses on student attitudes towards the use of mobile technology and digital media assignments […]

The use of augmented reality to foster conceptual knowledge acquisition in STEM laboratory courses—Theoretical background and empirical results

Learning with hands‐on experiments can be supported by providing essential information virtually during lab work. Augmented reality (AR) appears especially suitable for presenting information during experimentation, as it can be used to integrate both physical and virtual lab work. Virtual information can be displayed in close spatial proximity to the correspondent components in the experimentation […]