Archive for the ‘Instructional Design’ Category

Artificial Intelligence in Educational Technology

Artificial Intelligence in Educational Technology This whitepaper from the team at examines the impact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven solutions can have on the educational sector; how this technology can assist teaching and learning at every level, from basic literacy to postgraduate study. Clearly, it’s beyond the scope of this WhitePaper to analyse every […]

The Sun Has Risen on Learning Experience Design

You’re an instructional designer who has invested lots of time and energy into creating beautiful online modules for a corporate course. You’ve followed your stakeholders’ wants and needs to a T. You’ve created animations and quizzes. However, once your course is live, you find learner engagement is dismal and your completion rates low. Does this […]

Collaborative Design Reasoning in a Large Interdisciplinary Learning Tool Design Project

This design case discusses the complex collaborative design reasoning processes involved in developing an online interactive learning tool for learners of all ages to explore and understand the role of flagellate plants in our society. The learning tool consists of a main website (the Voyager) and an interactive, dynamic map of the evolutionary relationships between […]

Using Learning Analytics to Improve MOOC Instructional Design

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) allows teaching and learning for everyone. This means that people from any learning background can join any of the courses offered through MOOC platforms. Although learning materials are offered for free, learning retention and learning engagement were found to be consistently low alt-hough some MOOC are offered by well-known instructors. […]

Design of e-learning and online tutoring as learning support for academic writing

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the development and assessment of learning support environments for academic writing that utilize ICT, such as e-learning and online tutoring, in Japanese higher education. First, the authors introduce the design of an e-learning writing program for the Japanese language and assess whether the program is an effective […]

Pro and Con: Combining Instructional Designers and Educational Developers

At some schools, the educational developers and instructional designers are part of a single campus center for teaching and learning. At other institutions, these learning professionals are homed in separate organizations, with IDs in academic computing units and EDs in CTLs. Across the U.S. postsecondary ecosystem, there is an active conversation going on about the […]

Digital Transformation: A Focus on Creativity, Not Tools

A veteran education technologist, and a prominent researcher and consultant in education and emerging technologies, Ellen Wagner thinks deeply about what we are really saying when we talk about, and often attach labels to, our current initiatives, movements, or hopes at the intersection of education and technology. With present projects and affiliations in professional associations […]

Designing an Aesthetic Learner Experience: UX, Instructional Design, and Design Pedagogy

In this design case, we describe a multi-year process during which a team of faculty designed a four-year undergraduate major in user experience (UX) design at a large research-intensive institution. We document the program- and course-level design experiences of five faculty members. This multi-year process has culminated in a dual-strand, integrated studio learning environment. Two […]

Validation of the Instructional Materials Motivation Survey: Measuring Student Motivation to Learn via Mixed Reality Nursing Education Simulation

Motivation to learn is an important component of education, particularly in the field of educational technology in which the instructor’s physical presence is increasingly absent. The complexity of the many factors that contribute to student motivation renders this domain difficult to measure. The Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS) instrument was created to measure and identify […]

Student Perceptions of Engagement in Online Courses: An Exploratory Study

Given the increasing numbers of students who choose to learn online, educators should understand the conditions necessary for student success in this environment. Previous studies have documented that student engagement is essential to student learning, retention, persistence, and satisfaction. In this descriptive qualitative study, we sought to understand how students conceptualize engagement in online courses […]