Archive for the ‘Higher Education’ Category

Federal Guidance to Accreditors Will Impact Institutions

On March 17, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) Office of Postsecondary Education issued a document titled Information for Accrediting Agencies Regarding Temporary Flexibilities Provided to Coronavirus Impacted Institutions or Accrediting Agencies. The guidance document, which suspends some federal regulations due to COVID-19 disruption to campuses and travel, is intended to provide both institutions […]

Higher ed groups press for federal support for coronavirus response

As the coronavirus and the respiratory disease it causes, COVID-19, took hold in the U.S., colleges rapidly began to move courses online and assess how the situation would stress their budgets. Taking instruction remote has short-term costs, especially for colleges that lack a robust online infrastructure. In the letter, the groups recommend the government provide […]

Virtual International Exchange as a High-Impact Learning Tool for More Inclusive, Equitable and Diverse Classrooms

While technology-assisted learning has become commonplace in education, its applications are rarely examined along geopolitical and cultural perspectives that reveal certain shared and vastly distinct localized practices in evolving pedagogy and cultural dynamics. For developing countries such as Uzbekistan, collaborating virtually with a university in the U.S. may represent both a technological and socio-cultural challenge. […]

Shifting Teaching and Learning in Online Learning Spaces: An Investigation of a Faculty Online Teaching and Learning Initiative

We examined the adoption of online teaching strategies by faculty members at a large midwestern research university who participated in a year-long learning community. The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) to investigate changes in teaching approaches resulting from a year-long e-learning professional development initiative; and 2) to understand the perceptions of factors that […]

Instructional Technology in Graduate Psychology Distance Education: Trends and Student Preferences

Although distance education continues to expand in postsecondary institutions, little research regarding distance education methodology in applied graduate psychology programs is currently available. This exploratory study examined technology, resources, and instructional components in graduate school psychology distance courses. The results indicated that Blackboard and Skype were the most frequently utilized technology components in both online […]

Augmented Reality Plant & Animal Cells: Design and Evaluation of an Educational Augmented Reality Application

In this paper, we present a usability evaluation of a custom AR educational tool designed to improve students’ understanding of the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells. We argue that the design of the Augmented Reality Plant & Animal Cells (ARPAC) tool promotes a self-driven approach to learning by presenting textbook content as […]

User Characteristics, Trait vs. State Immersion, and Presence in a First-Person Virtual World

Virtual reality and virtual worlds (VWs) are powerful technologies currently helping to define the digital world. These technologies are characterized by user control, immersion, and a sense of presence or “being there.” They have been examined from a variety of theoretical perspectives, technical and user variables, and psychological approaches. The purpose of this study was […]

The CIO Agenda for a Decade of Converging Curves (Plus Cliffs and Clouds)

Converging trends and curves will widely affect many colleges and universities in this decade, offering an opportunity for innovation and a broad rethinking of institutional approaches for, and uses of, information technology. EDUCAUSE Review

Blackboard Launches Blackboard Collaborate Self-Service Portal for Rapid Deployment of Virtual Classrooms

RESTON, Va., March 12, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Blackboard Inc., today announced the launch of the Blackboard Collaborate Self-Service Portal, which allows higher education institutions, school districts, and organizations to implement the virtual classroom solution—specifically designed for educators and students—within hours. Blackboard significantly reduced the time from purchase to deployment in direct response to the need for […]

Get Started with Mobile-First Learning in 2020 (But First: Do you Need To?)

The decade started with off-the-charts mobile penetration around the world. In industrialized countries, almost everyone owns a phone. So many own two or more that the rates were over 100%. Within a few years, Asia and Latin America would follow suit. This article first appeared on LMSPulse Inside ELearning.