Archive for the ‘Higher Education’ Category

Signature Course: Building Virtual Worlds

In Building Virtual Worlds (BVW), one of four core classes in the Master’s in Entertainment Technology (MET) program from CMU’s Entertainment Technology Center (ETC), students are placed on small teams, with new groups and goals for each two-week round. Working together, they design and build interactive experiences. Carnegie Mellon University

6 Models for Blended Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Course Delivery

This article proposes six models of blended online course delivery, ranging from a highly supported faculty-guided model to an independent self-paced model. EDUCAUSE Review

DOWNLOAD REPRT: LMS Selection and Implementation: Michigan Virtual Case Study

LMS Selection and Implementation: Michigan Virtual Case Study As more and more schools are adopting the use of digital content to support their online and blended programs, schools and districts are raising the selection and implementation of an appropriate learning management system/platform (LMS) as a top priority. During the 2019-20 school year, Michigan Virtual evaluated, selected, […]

Quality Matters Impact on Student Outcomes in an Online Program

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of courses redesigned using Quality Matters (QM) on student learning in an online program at a large university in the southeastern United States. The QM Rubric for course design is widely used in higher education. However, research about its use in nursing education is understudied. […]

Examining the Impact of Multiple Practice Quiz Attempts on Student Exam Performance

Assessment of learning within the online classroom is a growing point of discussion, particularly with regard to student exam performance. In 2017, an online Organizational Behavior course offered by a large, Christian university was revised to include a change in the quizzes offered to students to prepare for each of four exams. This study examined […]

A Grand Strategy for Grand Challenges: A New Approach through Digital Transformation

Today’s Grand Challenges in higher education need to be met with a new approach: a Grand Strategy that utilizes the cultural, workforce, and technological shifts of digital transformation. EDUCAUSE Review  

Freshmen enrolling in college during the pandemic have an alternative

For college freshman seeking an alternative to enrolling at a traditional university during the pandemic, the higher education company Verto Education on Thursday announced the launch of a new program that will blend online and in-person learning. edscoop

A Study of Grade Equivalency between Proctored and Unproctored Exams in Distance Education

The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the grade distributions of proctored and unproctored exams in an online learning environment. The authors statistically compared exam scores and time to complete exams for proctored and unproctored exams in two online courses. Student data were collected from an online section of introductory financial accounting and […]

VirusSAFE EDU App for Coronavirus Health Protocol, Compliance and Verification Now Available for Educational Institutions

WorkMerk, veteran-founded workforce management software developer, announced today that its VirusSAFE COVID-19 safety app is now available for use in educational institutions. The app enables schools at all levels to verify that they are performing mandated health and safety compliance measures on schedule and continually communicating with students, parents and other stakeholders about the state […]

Podcast Bonus: Managing Higher Ed’s “New Normal”

In this bonus episode of the podcast, Dr. Elliot Stern, president of Saddleback College in Southern California, talks candidly about how his institution is making strategic decisions for the fall and what kinds of policies and infrastructure they are putting in place to move forward. The conversation comes from Campus Technology’s recent Distance Learning Summit […]