Archive for the ‘Elearning’ Category

Online Course Platforms Offer Paid Freelance Gigs to Professors

As online courses multiply outside the formal structures of academe, professors increasingly have opportunities to earn cash on the side by freelancing. Wired Campus Full Article

Innovations in incapacity: Education, technique, subject

This essay addresses the question of change as it is expressed in debates on the introduction and use of new digital technologies in contemporary education. It sets out some of the terms of this debate, concerning MOOCs in particular, and puts into question the very conception of change they presume. The essay advocates a distinction […]

Download Document– The Bologna Process: Its impact in Europe and beyond

Worldwide, it is felt that transparency and trust among higher education systems are needed to improve the global attractiveness and competitiveness of higher education. The Bologna Process represents an attempt to achieve this. It was an initiative by European countries to harmonize European educational programmes to provide comparable, compatible, and coherent systems of higher education […]

Paperless public libraries switch to digital

A public library without any printed books is opening this summer. The phrase “bookless libraries” arrives with a dull, oxymoronic thud, enough to get the blood of any bibliophile boiling. BBC Full Article

COIL – Virtual mobility without commercialisation

Much, if not all, of the debate in higher education seems to be focused these days on massive open online courses, or MOOCs, which according to several people should be considered nothing less than a revolutionary new model for higher education teaching and learning. University World News Full Article

Vanderbilt University creates institute devoted to digital learning, MOOCs

As the conversation surrounding massive open online courses (MOOCs) and other means of online learning gets louder, many universities are still trying to sort through the noise and find the most effective ways to implement the evolving MOOC technology. eCampus News Full Article

Meeting information literacy outcomes: Partnering with faculty to create effective information literacy assessment

This paper outlines the attempt by librarians at California State University Channel Islands (CI) to authentically assess the information literacy levels of first-year and third-year students, their partnership with faculty from CI’s writing and rhetoric programme in receiving a grant for this endeavour, the creation of a rubric and specialised assignment to facilitate the assessment […]

eBooks As a Collection and a Service: Developing a Public Library Instruction Program to Support eBook Use

A majority of United States public libraries now offer eBooks to their patrons. While much focus in library literature has been given to how public libraries license digital content and the various disputes with publishers that this has entailed, much less attention has been paid to users. This article addresses this gap in library literature […]

The latest trends in MOOCs

The battle for and against massive open online courses (MOOCs) rages on as we head into summer, with new arguments emerging on both sides of the MOOC divide. eCampus News Full Article

The Rise of eText

eText consultant Rand Spiwak engages in an informative discussion of electronic texts and considers how higher education institutions can prepare for a shift from print to digital course materials and textbooks. Campus Technology Full Article