Archive for the ‘Analytics’ Category

Blackboard Acquires Predictive Analytics Company Blue Canary

Blackboard today announced the acquisition of Blue Canary, a higher education predictive analytics company focused on retention. Campus Technology

Our obsession with metrics turns academics into data drones

Universities’ growing addiction to tracking progress will destroy the very things we are supposed to nurture The Guardian 

Portfolio, text, data, page

A Comparison of Educational Statistics and Data Mining Approaches to Identify Characteristics that Impact Online Learning

Learning objects (LOs) are important online resources for both learners and instructors and usage for LOs is growing. Automatic LO tracking collects large amounts of metadata about individual students as well as data aggregated across courses, learning objects, and other demographic characteristics (e.g. gender). The challenge becomes identifying which of the many variables derived from […]


Of Needles and Haystacks: Building an Accurate Statewide Dropout Early Warning System in Wisconsin

The state of Wisconsin has one of the highest four year graduation rates in the nation, but deep disparities among student subgroups remain. To address this the state has created the Wisconsin Dropout Early Warning System (DEWS), a predictive model of student dropout risk for students in grades six through nine. The Wisconsin DEWS is […]

Leveraging Analytics in Community Colleges

This literature review, list of definitions, and resources provide a guide for community college leaders evaluating analytics for their institutional technology to promote student success. In the end, a technology strategy inclusive of analytics and combined with an unwavering focus on student achievement might prove an essential precursor to student success at allcolleges. EDUCAUSE

Demographic and Enrollment Characteristics of Nontraditional Undergraduates: 2011-12

This set of Web Tables provides an array of descriptive statistics about undergraduates with nontraditional characteristics enrolled in the 2011-12 academic year. The tables present the percentage and distribution of undergraduates who possess specific nontraditional characteristics by demographic, enrollment, and academic characteristics. National Center for Educational Statistics

An analysis of user-generated comments on the development of social mobile learning

In this study, the authors used a mixed-method approach to analyze user-generated comments on social mobile learning from three leading news sites that report the latest development in higher education. Koole’s mobile learning model was used to code comments made by the public on the three news sites. Results showed that social mobile learning has […]

The Language of Learning Analytics

The world of learning analytics is full of metaphors. Educational-technology companies are “islands,” disconnected from one another. Data are locked away in “silos.” As an initiative to standardize the collection and reporting of learning analytics nears a public launch, can colleges and vendors learn to speak the same language? Inside Higher Ed

Learning analytics now a key feature of school software

School software programs are getting more sophisticated in using data analytics to help educators target their instruction more effectively and personalize learning for students. eSchool News Full Article

Learning Analytics: Readiness and Rewards

This paper introduces the relatively new field of learning analytics, first by considering the relevant meanings of both “learning” and “analytics,” and then by looking at two main levels at which learning analytics can be or has been implemented in educational organizations. Although turnkey systems or modules are not yet available for review, specific technologies […]