Archive for the ‘Analytics’ Category

Universities are tracking their students. Is it clever or creepy?

Learning analytics are becoming increasingly popular for improving learning and cutting drop-out rates – but critics question the impact on privacy The Guardian 

Let’s Talk Learning Analytics: A Framework for Implementation in Relation to Student Retention

This paper presents a dialogical tool for the advancement of learning analytics implementation for student retention in Higher Education institutions. The framework was developed as an outcome of a project commissioned and funded by the Australian Government’s Office for Learning and Teaching. The project took a mixed-method approach including a survey at the institutional level […]

Learning Analytics Methods, Benefits, and Challenges in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review

Higher education for the 21st century continues to promote discoveries in the field through learning analytics (LA). The problem is that the rapid embrace of of LA diverts educators’ attention from clearly identifying requirements and implications of using LA in higher education. LA is a promising emerging field, yet higher education stakeholders need to become […]

Microsoft Tackles IT Skills Gap With Online Learning Program

Beginning with data science, the software giant aims to help close the IT skills gap with its new Microsoft Professional Degree program. eWeek

7 Universities Receive Grants to Implement Adaptive Learning at Scale

Seven public research universities are embarking on a three-year project focused on improving undergraduate education through personalized learning and adaptive courseware. Arizona State University, Colorado State University, Georgia State University, Northern Arizona University, Oregon State University, Portland State University and the University of Mississippi will each receive $515,000 from the Association of Public and Land-grant […]

Institutional Characteristics and Student Retention: What Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Reveals About Online Learning

Online course delivery continues to grow as a viable means of providing increased educational access to more students, but low student retention rates remain a major challenge. In this study, key institutional characteristics that influence student retention in postsecondary education are analyzed. These are student-faculty ratio, graduation rate, acceptance rate, enrollment rate, institutional aid rate, […]

Preparing for ‘Era of Data Ubiquity’

Researchers convene to discuss how the deluge of data collected about students can be used to benefit higher education without compromising privacy. Inside Higher Ed

Next-Level Benchmarking: How Do You Measure Up?

Learn how the EDUCAUSE Benchmarking Service takes the use of analytics to the next level by helping CIOs and other campus leaders measure progress on campus-wide strategic initiatives. EDUCAUSE

Big data for social media learning analytics: potentials and challenges

Today, the information gathered from massive learning platforms and social media sites allow deriving a very comprehensive set of learning information. To this aim, data mining techniques can surely help to gain proper insights, personalize learning experiences, formative assessments, performance measurements, as well as to develop new learning and instructional design models. Therefore, a core […]

Download Report: The State of State: Postsecondary Data Systems

The State of State: Postsecondary Data System PSURSs are the primary means for states to collect data and analyze student progress, completions, and outcomes. Demands on these systems are increasing as policymakers, researchers, and consumers call for more accurate and comprehensive data concerning postsecondary education. Many states have tied institutional funding to performance metrics derived […]