Archive for the ‘Analytics’ Category

Students: 3 ways we want universities to use our data

Younger students in colleges and universities say they’d like their personalized data to be leveraged toward a more beneficial, meaningful experience—right away. eCampus News

Development of Open Textbooks Learning Analytics System

Textbook costs have skyrocketed in recent years, putting them beyond the reach of many students, but there are options which can mitigate this problem. Open textbooks, an open educational resource, have proven capable of making textbooks affordable to students. There have been few educational development as promising as the development of open textbooks to lower […]

Innovative Cooperation, at Scale: An Interview with Michael M. Crow

The Arizona State University president talks about student success, technology changes in recent years, institutional transformation at scale, cooperation within higher education, personalized learning, and analytics. EDUCAUSE Review

Planting the Seeds of Analytics

Key Takeaways The use of analytics across multiple industries has inspired higher education institutions like Valdosta State University to explore innovative uses of insights from data for both academic and operational functions. While many might perceive visually appealing dashboards as representing analytics in higher education, VSU’s IT team understood the importance of focusing on how […]

Moving the Red Queen Forward: Maturing Analytics Capabilities in Higher Education

This article is drawn from the recent research by the EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR) and Gartner researchers on the state of analytics in higher education. This research explores the analytics trends as well as future predictions for the deployment of analytics technologies. Publications include The Analytics Landscape in Higher Education, 2015; Institutional […]

Big Data Analysis in Higher Education: Promises and Pitfalls

The grand challenge in data-intensive research and analysis in higher education is to find the means to extract knowledge from the extremely rich data sets being generated today and to distill this into usable information for students, instructors, and the public. EDUCAUSE Review

Download Online Learning Journal, Special Issue on Learning Analytics

Online Learning Volume 20 Issue 2 – June 2016 SPECIAL ISSUE: LEARNING ANALYTICS Table of Contents SECTION I: LEARNING ANALYTICS Introduction 9 Karen Vignare, Patsy Moskal Learning Analytics Methods, Benefits, and Challenges in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review 13 John T. Avella, Mansureh Kebritchi, Sandra G. Nunn, Therese Kanai Let’s Talk Learning Analytics: A […]

The Unpredictability of Predictive Analytics 2.0

If I were into scrying (the art of predicting the future by gazing into a crystal ball), I would prophesy that EDUCAUSE Review readers will have two equal and opposite reactions on seeing an issue devoted to predictive analytics. The first reaction might be: “Are we still talking about how to use predictive analytics?” And the second reaction might […]

Predictive Analytics: Nudging, Shoving, and Smacking Behaviors in Higher Education

With predictive analytics, colleges and universities are able to “nudge” individuals toward making better decisions and exercising rational behavior to enhance their probabilities of success. EDUCAUSE Review

Competency-Based Education and Predictive Analytics: Learning from Transfers

The competency-based program at Texas A&M University–Commerce has begun to analyze enrollment data to better understand their transfer student population and make predictions regarding future students. Transfer students entered the CBE program with an average 87 credits and graduated at rates that broke historically negative persistence patternstraditionally affecting part of the transfer student population. Adult learners outpace traditional-age students in pursuing degrees, and […]