Archive for the ‘Accessibility’ Category

Coursera Turns 7

Back in April 2012, Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng launched Coursera to enable anyone, anywhere to transform their life through learning. Seven years ago, we couldn’t have imagined where we’d be today: connecting 40 million learners around the globe with the world’s greatest thinkers, educators, and institutions. Coursera

Online Education for Public Health Capacity Building in Low- to Middle-Income Countries

People’s Open Access Education Initiative (Peoples-uni, aims to contribute to improvements in the health of populations in low- to middle-income countries by building public health capacity via e-learning at affordable cost. We describe experience over nine years of the initiative, including the development and delivery of a Master of Public Health (MPH) programme in […]

How Low-Cost IoT Solutions Can Improve the Student Experience

Modest investments in the Internet of Things can have a significant impact on students’ journey through college. Here’s how one institution implemented IoT tech to provide extra student supports in key areas. Campus Technology

Learning Science for All

spent millions of dollars developing tools to help instructors improve their teaching. Now other institutions are invited to use them, too. Inside Higher Ed

Emerging State Policy in Online Special Education (2016)

There has been a dramatic increase and acceptance of online learning in the last decade. In its various forms, online learning has begun to disrupt the status quo of K-12 education and, in turn, special education. The growing prevalence of K-12 online learning provides a grounded opportunity to reflect on traditions and redesign policies, systems, […]

Adapting Technology and Building an Accessibility Community at the University of California

It’s a given. We all support accessibility for people with disabilities, right? After all, we’re higher ed. We care. Why, then, is web accessibility still such a challenge for colleges and universities? EDUCAUSE Review 

Online Learning and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

The Accessible Classroom is a video series exploring web accessibility for K-12 education. We’ll dive into concepts and tools that can help schools ensure access to digital learning spaces for all students. In this first video, Jeff takes takes a look at the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) from […]

Collaborating to Offer Access for California Students Online

Two online initiatives in California—the CSU’s Cal State Online and the CCC’s Online Education Initiative—collaborated to focus on the shared interests of students from both segments by accelerating completion through summer courses. EDUCAUSE Review

Widely Acclaimed but Lowly Utilized: Congruencing ODL Utilization with Its Wide Acclaim

World over, open distance learning (ODL) is widely articulated and vouchered as a panacea pedagogy for increased access and flexibility to higher education. In reality, however, the actual use of ODL approaches in higher institutions of learning in developing regions is unexpectedly low and not in tandem with its wide favorable regional and international vouchering. […]

How Online Education Is Increasing Gender Diversity in STEM

At Coursera, we strive to unlock life-transforming learning and credentials for anyone, anywhere. Seventy-five percent of high-school-aged girls say they are interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), yet only 28 percent of the graduates of U.S. STEM degree programs are female. On Coursera, 30 percent of our U.S. course completers in STEM are […]