Associations has curated a list of reputable resources in the digital learning field from leading organizations across the globe. Our association links page offers a comprehensive collection of associations, research centers, and publications dedicated to advancing digital learning. Discover the latest trends and innovations in the field, connect with industry experts, and stay up-to-date with the evolving landscape of digital learning.
Educational Associations and Networks
- Asian Association of Open Universities: A network of open universities and distance education institutions in Asia that promotes collaboration and development in open and distance learning.
- Association for Continuing Higher Education: An association of professionals involved in continuing education and outreach programs in higher education.
- Association for Information Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education: An association of IT professionals in higher education that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- Canadian Network for Innovation in Education: A network of educators and researchers in Canada that promotes innovation and best practices in education.
- Commonwealth of Learning: An intergovernmental organization that promotes open and distance learning for sustainable development.
- Consortium for School Networking (CoSN): An association of IT professionals in K-12 education that provides resources and advocacy for the effective use of technology in education.
- Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA): A nonprofit organization that promotes academic quality and accountability in higher education through accreditation.
Distance Education and E-Learning Organizations
- Distance Education Association of New Zealand: An association of professionals involved in distance education in New Zealand that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- Educational Technology Industry Network of SIIA: A network of companies involved in educational technology that provides resources and advocacy for the edtech industry.
- Educause: An association of IT professionals in higher education that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- Elearning Guild: A community of professionals involved in e-learning that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU): A network of open and distance teaching universities in Europe that promotes collaboration and development in open and distance learning.
- European Distance and E-Learning Network: An association of professionals involved in e-learning in Europe that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- Federal Government Distance Learning Association (FGDLA),: An association of professionals involved in distance learning in the US federal government that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- Distance Education and Training Council (DETC): A nonprofit organization that provides accreditation for distance education institutions and programs.
International Associations and Networks
- International Association for Mobile Learning: An association of professionals involved in mobile learning that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- International E-Learning Association, the: An association of professionals involved in e-learning that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- International Association for K-12 Online Learning, The: An association of professionals involved in K-12 online learning that provides resources and advocacy for online learning.
- IMS Global Learning Consortium: A nonprofit organization that promotes interoperability and innovation in edtech through the development of standards and best practices.
- International Council for Open and Distance Education: An international network of institutions and individuals involved in open and distance education that provides resources and advocacy for open and distance learning.
Regional and National Associations
- League for Innovation in the Community College, The: An association of community colleges that provides resources and professional development opportunities for innovation in teaching and learning.
- National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements: An organization that provides oversight and quality assurance for distance education programs offered across state lines in the US.
- National University Technology Network: A network of universities that provides resources and professional development opportunities for the effective use of technology in education.
- New Media Consortium: A community of professionals involved in educational technology that provides resources and thought leadership for emerging technologies in education.
- Online Learning Consortium: An association of professionals involved in online learning that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- Open Courseware Consortium: A global network of institutions and organizations that provide free and open access to educational materials.
- League for Innovation in the Community College, The: An association of community colleges that provides resources and professional development opportunities for innovation in teaching and learning.
- National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements: An organization that provides oversight and quality assurance for distance education programs offered across state lines in the US.
- National University Technology Network: A network of universities that provides resources and professional development opportunities for the effective use of technology in education.
- New Media Consortium: A community of professionals involved in educational technology that provides resources and thought leadership for emerging technologies in education.
- Online Learning Consortium: An association of professionals involved in online learning that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- Open Courseware Consortium: A global network of institutions and organizations that provide free and open access to educational materials.
- Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia: An association of professionals involved in open and distance learning in Australia that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- Quality Matters: An organization that provides standards, resources, and professional development opportunities for quality assurance in online and blended learning.
- State Educational Technology Directors Association: An association of state educational technology leaders that provides advocacy and resources for the effective use of technology in education.
- Swedish Association for Distance Education: An association of professionals involved in distance education in Sweden that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- The Association for College & University Technology Advancement: An association of professionals involved in technology advancement in higher education that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- University Professional and Continuing Education Association: An association of professionals involved in continuing and online education in higher education that provides resources and professional development opportunities.
- United States Distance Learning Association: An association of professionals involved in distance learning in the US that provides resources, advocacy, and professional development opportunities.
- WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET)