A Nation Online, But Where Are the Indians?

March 6, 2002

American Indian leaders and federal policymakers awaiting the latest data for Internet use among Native American households will have to continue waiting. On February 5, the National Telecommunications and Information administration (NTIA) released A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use of the Internet ( www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/index.html ), its first study of American Internet use to be released under the Bush administration. Like its Falling Through the Net predecessors, A Nation Online is essential reading for observers of America’s digital divide and serves as a primary reference point for federal decision makers attempting to expand digital opportunity to underserved communities. Unfortunately, A Nation Online excludes data relating to American Indians, and in doing so, fails to provide a current measurement of the progress of information technology deployment efforts in America’s most underserved geographic regions — Indian Country.

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