Download Report: United Nations International Telecommunications Union: ICT Facts and Figures 2016

November 27, 2016


United Nations International Telecommunications Union: ICT Facts and Figures 2016

“2016 marks the year when the international community is embarking on the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their 169 targets. The International Telecommunication Union, given the tremendous development of ICTs, has a key role to play in facilitating their attainment. Our new data show that in 2016, over two-thirds of the population lives within an area covered by a mobile broadband network and that ICT services continue to become more a ordable. Despite these unprecedented opportunities, more than half of all people are not yet using the Internet and large di erences in terms of broadband speeds and quality exist. ITU data inform public and private-sector decision makers, and help us accomplish our mission: to make use of the full potential of ICTs for the timely achievement of the SDGs.”

United Nations International Telecommunications Union