Posts Tagged ‘or MOOCs’

Harvard Asks Graduates to Donate Time to Free Online Humanities Class

Alumni of elite colleges are accustomed to getting requests for money from their alma mater, but the appeal that sent to thousands of graduates on Monday was something new: a plea to donate their time and intellects to the rapidly expanding field of online education. The New York Times Full Article

A Dot-Com Entrepreneur’s Wild Ambition: Drive Education Costs to Zero

Michael J. Saylor was early to the free online-education market. In 2000, Mr. Saylor, then a dot-com billionaire as chief executive of a business-intelligence company called MicroStrategy, promised to give $100-million to open a new Web portalthat would provide quality education for the masses at no charge. The Chronicle of Higher Education Full Article

Proto-MOOC Stays the Course

The most provocative aspect of massively open online courses, or MOOCs, is how massive they can be. Last fall, several Stanford professors drew nearly 200,000 students to a series of free computer science courses, an experiment that spawned two companies. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology opened its first massive online engineering course this spring to […]