Student Satisfaction is Extremely High at DETC Institutions

May 25, 2004

In response to the question, “Did you achieve, or will you have achieved upon completing your studies, the goals you had when you started the course or program?” both degree-granting and postsecondary institutions reported an average student satisfaction rate of 93%. The second question, “Would you recommend these studies to a friend?” yielded a 95% satisfaction rate from degree-granting schools, and an impressive 96% from postsecondary institutions. The final question, “All things considered, were you satisfied with your studies?” resulted in 95% satisfaction rate from degree-granting institutions.

Remarkably, 97% of students from DETC postsecondary institutions answered this question favorably. Mr. Henry A. Spille, Chair of the Accrediting Commission, observed, “The results of this survey provide a clear indication that DETC accredited institutions are delivering on their promises to learners. We are gratified to see how highly satisfied the students are, and that, overwhelmingly, they feel they are meeting
their learning goals.”

DETC Executive Director Michael P. Lambert added, “The trend today is for accreditors and institutions to show more accountability, and the DETC Outcomes Assessment program has set a high standard for student satisfaction. We were delighted to see how well DETC institutions have performed.”

A recent graduate speaks for the majority of DETC students when he expresses his experience with distance learning: “[Distance learning] has changed my attitude, career, and learning capability in a very positive way.”

Laura Walter
Information Specialist
202-234-5100 Ext. 100