McCain: We Must Protect Children on Internet Competition

March 23, 2001

Washington, D.C. – Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, today made the following statement in response to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) court challenge to the Children’s Internet Protection Act:

“The Children’s Internet Protection Law, which passed the Senate 95-3 and has consistently enjoyed enormous bipartisan support, simply ensures that schools and libraries across the country have the technology they need to protect children from harmful material on the Internet. This law gives communities the freedom to decide what technology they choose to use and what to filter out. It does not dictate any specific actions be taken by communities or apply a federal standard, it simply requires them to have some technology in place to protect children if they are using federal funds for Internet access.

“As schools and libraries increasingly use the Internet as a learning tool, parents worry about their children at school. No wonder Congress passed this important legislation, and no wonder parents overwhelmingly support it.”