Instructional Design: Study of a Widening Scope of Practice

December 15, 2018

Instructional design continues to evolve and demonstrates positive growth. Understanding of the field remains limited by relative novelty, simplistic definitions, and linear depictions. This study investigates the current state of practice to reveal a wide scope, a diverse range of functions and specializations present in instructional design. The chiefly quantitative study included more than 250 subjects surveyed in early 2018. Demographics in the subject pool confirmed data indicated by other sources, of Instructional Design as a predominately female field with highly educated practitioners. Data shows a population engaged in many functions not typically associated with accepted definitions of the field. Subjects are commonly positioned as leaders, specializing in particular types of learning design. Other results confirmed findings in prior studies, updated understandings in other research, and suggested progress was made in previously noted areas.

Online Journal of Distance Education AdministrationÂ