E-learning in Economics and Business

June 8, 2014

Learner_And_ComputersE-learning is broadening education horizons all over the world. The contribution sought by this work is to evidence innovations and practices that are applied in teaching environments and fields of knowledge connected to Economics and Business in an on-line environment. In this sense, some contributions related to concepts and subjects considered as emergent, are presented here. These are, for example, acquisition of competencies in on-line environments, use of Wikipedia applied to statistics, use of tools offered by social networks or the subject of cooperative learning and teamwork. In addition to such contributions, we present some reflections over which are the best future trends of e-learning. In a near future, teachers will be able to make decisions based upon a huge amount of information that will be possible to generate after analysing the learning processes. In any case, everything seems to point at four features that will be progressively incorporated to the on-line learning: release and democratization of contents, addition of elements to motivate students, efficient management of teaching and, lastly, establishment of a tighter linkage between learning and profession.

RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal

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