Connectivism: 21st Century’s New Learning Theory

August 31, 2013

Transformed into a large collaborative learning environment, the Internet is comprised of information reservoirs namely, (a) online classrooms, (b) social networks, and (c) virtual reality or simulated communities, to expeditiously create, reproduce, share, and deliver information into the hands of educators and students. Most importantly, the Internet has become a focal point for a potentially dynamic modern learning theory called connectivism. Like any learning theory, connectivism has its share of supporters and critics. Unlike any other learning theory, connectivism attributes learning through cyber nodes specifically rooted in social networks. The purpose of this article is to introduce or reacquaint readers with three of the largest reservoirs of information attributed to the principles of connectivism. In addition, it aims to examine these information reservoirs through modern empirical studies in order to determine if their findings carry sparks of likeness or alignment with the principles of connectivism.

European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning

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