Academic Plagiarism Defined

August 26, 2007


1. How serious a problem is academic plagiarism?

2. So what is plagiarism?

3. Types of plagiarism

3.1. Straight plagiarism

3.2. Plagiarism citing the original author but without adequate quotation marks or references

3.3 Simple plagiarism using a footnote

3.4. Complex plagiarism using a footnote

3.5 Plagiarism with hanging quotations

3.6. Paraphrasing as plagiarism

3.7. So-called “self-plagiarism” and recycling fraud

4. Indications of plagiarism

5. Discussion and caution

6. Correct citation and quotation

7. Conclusion

8. Works dealing with plagiarism in an academic context

9. More general works on plagiarism

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