Examining Perceptions of Online Faculty Regarding the Value of Emotional Intelligence in Online Classrooms

May 14, 2017

Due to the growth of interest in soft skills and personality traits in education, the perceptions of the value online instructors place on emotional intelligence (EI), warrants scholarly attention. Organizations have embraced the value of emotional intelligence in employees. If online professors are instrumental in preparing students to be successful in the business world, their perception of the skills that employers value is important. For this study, the definition of EI was based on the components as defined by Reuven Bar-On’s model. Thirty-eight faculty members were recruited through Linkedin to provide their value of the EI in online classes. A survey instrument was developed for this purpose. The results indicated that the majority believed flexibility was most important for stress management, problem-solving most important for decision-making, relationship building for interpersonal skills, emotional expression, assertiveness and independence were equally ranked for self-expression, emotional self-awareness was most important for self-perception. If online instructors are the ones who develop and deliver curriculum, it is important for them to understand the components of EI to ensure that students receive an education that includes skills that could improve their chances of success in the workplace.

Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration