2016 Student and Technology Research Study

January 10, 2017

2016 Student and Technology Research Study

We begin the report with a consideration of the importance of technology to students, whereby

we explore students’ orientation toward technology, the number and types of devices students own, and the extent to which they use their digital devices in their academic work, as well as the importance of that use. We then explore the technology experiences of students by considering their overall technology background, their ratings of campus wireless networks, and their impressions of faculty technology use. Next, we analyze the technology preferences of students, including learning environments and how they relate to technology in college. We conclude the report by exploring the e ects of technology on students

in terms of three types of engagement—student-faculty, student-student, and student-content—discussing ways in which technology enriches their learning experiences, a ects their levels of academic e cacy, and distracts them during class.